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Daily Devotionals for May 4


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Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living

Devotional Scripture:

Proverbs 15:22-24(KJV):
22 Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established.
23 A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!
24 The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath.

Proverbs 15:22-24(Amp):
22 Where there is no counsel, purposes are frustrated, but with many counselors they are accomplished.
23 A man has joy in making an apt answer, and a word spoken at the right moment , how good it is!
24 The path of the wise leads upward to life, that he may avoid the gloom in the depths of Sheol (Hades).


Thought for the Day

Verse 22 - For a project to be accomplished, good counsel is a must. In fact, in larger projects, a multitude of counselors is better than one man. Team work is vital for a large vision to be accomplished. A good counselor weighs the pros and cons of a situation and either suggests the best way to accomplish a project or offers corrections to it. With the help of many counselors, goals and purposes will be completed. Each department will have sound suggestions to establish the vision.

For personal problems, one godly counselor basing his advice on what the Bible teaches could help immensely. The key to solving personal problems is discovering what the Bible says about our situation and applying that truth to our lives. Since God's Word never fails, we are assured of resolving and overcoming our difficulties. Since the Bible has a multitude of godly counsel about all of life's problems, we can find our needed answers within its pages.

We should be careful about seeking just any counsel, and we should pray to find the right person to talk to. Worldly counselors can hurt a believer's walk with God since their advice is not necessarily scriptural. Worldly advice is generally based on selfishness, pride, and lust. Many worldly counselors actually encourage selfishness, because humanism teaches people to look out for themselves first. Certainly, we should take care of ourselves, but not at the expense of violating our moral values. "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him" (1 John 2:15).

Verse 23 - A man who has a good answer for someone's problem will receive great joy out of sharing it with them. It is always a blessing to help someone by giving advice that keeps them from being destroyed or overwhelmed by his or her problems.

Verse 24 - God's wisdom is a pathway that leads us upward to life in Him. Worldly wisdom is the lower path that leads to hell. God always wants to lift us up higher on His path. The devil wants to bring us down to where he is. The Lord desires us to avoid Satan's traps and snares, so that we can walk in the ways of God and be blessed.

Prayer Devotional for the Day

Dear Father God, I am ever so grateful to have access to a reservoir of wisdom, counsel, and guidance in knowing You. I know when I have a problem I can ask You how to solve it, and You always have the perfect answer. Thank you for sending my answers in many different ways, and through many different people. I have been very blessed by the family of God, as they have reached out to help us in so many ways. I do appreciate the prayers of Your people. I also thank you for speaking to people to help us financially in this ministry. Lord, bless each person back in the form of their need. I thank you for my brothers and sisters in Christ. Bless them all and meet their needs. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.



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Devotional Book - God's Wisdom for Daily Living


Special Price: $19.95
Page Count: 408
Size: 8½" X 11"
Bound Paperback

Millions have read "God's Wisdom for Daily Living" by Betty Miller online. We have many testimonies of how it has changed their lives. It can change yours. You can now purchase this 365 Daily Devotional Bible Study Book in Paperback. This book is a yearly meditation based on the entire Book of Proverbs. This unique book is more than just a daily devotional; it is also a series of mini-teachings, helping you to both study and meditate on the Word of God. Proverbs reveals the Wisdom of God, and helps us know how to deal with the every-day problems that we all face. You can now have the entire book of God’s Wisdom for Daily Living by clicking here to order.
